Here you’ll find the latest NHS information and advice about the Coronavirus vaccination process. These have been approved and are being rolled out for use in the UK in priority order. This priority list is available on GOV.UK
The NHS will let you know when it’s your turn to have the vaccine. It’s important not to contact the NHS for our vaccination before then. When it is your turn to book your vaccination, visit NHS.UK
They require the following information when you book:
- your name and date of birth
- your NHS number is a 10-digit number, which you can find on any letter the NHS sends you.
You can book an appointment without your NHS number.
Ensure you book your appointment for both doses of the vaccine. If you cannot use the NHS website, call 119 free of charge and ask them to help you. Alternatively, you can ask someone else to do this for you.
The phone line is open from 7 am to 11 pm, 7 days a week and interpreters will be available on request.

If you can, get your vaccine from a centre near you. If not, then your GP should be in touch with you to arrange an appointment. Wait for your GP to contact you to make an appointment if they haven’t already.
Don’t forget to wear your mask to your appointment so you don’t take any risks when you go for your vaccination. We hope the process goes smooth and easy and we look forward to hearing about your experience of receiving it.