Luis Miguel is the Michael Jackson of Latin America, in all his immensity, misfortune and outstanding talent. An exploited childhood, marked by an abusive father who gambled a family’s entire future on the talent of a child. A youth of fame, excessive partying and loneliness.
The difference is that Michael Jackson’s renaissance only came after his tragic death, which gave him the real status of a legend; on the other hand, the El Sol de México (Mexico’s Sun) has the genius to revive his career and his story at the still-young age of 51, with all his abilities intact, to return to the stage with vigour and audiences clamouring for him as the superstar he still is. How did he do it? Easy: he partnered with Netflix and turned his gripping but tragic life into the addiction of choice for modern viewers.

Luis Miguel’s childhood was that of a slave. When Luis Rey discovered his son’s talent, he decided that he would become the provider and saviour of the family, bankrupt and adrift because of his father’s misdeeds. A gold mine, which Rey did not hesitate to exploit to the last crumb. It turned him into a singing prodigy, who at the age of 12 was a sex symbol, and before his 20th birthday already had millions of fans around the world.
It was with this on-screen confession that Luis Miguel managed to restart a career that years ago seemed stuck in oblivion. In which the news only focused on the public acceptance of his paternity and on how much weight the star had gained in recent years and how his image had deteriorated. Instead, this year he has been touring and tickets for his concerts have sold out in advance. In addition, millions of people listen to his music on Spotify. Although chubby and tanned, El Sol de México is once again eclipsing his audience.
Share with us whether you know him for his music or his series!