Bathing it’s something we do at least one time per day. However, for some people, it’s something you do a couple of times per week, at best. That’s apparently the case for Mila and Ashton, after appearing on a Dax Shepard’s podcast episode. For some reason, they touched the topic and both agreed that they don’t bathe as much as most people.
This topic is created polemic because most of us, well, bathe once per day. They also say that their whole family – their kids – practices this too. In other words, all of them take showers from time to time, and they just clean their “essentials”.
What did they say, exactly?
After a few minutes in this podcast episode, for some reason, they ended up talking about baths. Shepard told his co-star Monica Padman that using soap every day rids the body natural oils and both Kutcher and Kunis agreed. To her surprise, Monica asked Kunis if she was taught not to wash. The answer was a surprise to both hosts.
Mila Kunis said, “I didn’t have hot water growing up as a child so I didn’t shower very much anyways”. This tradition was inherited by her children because they don’t shower too much too. About this, she said that “I wasn0t a parent that bathed my newborns ever”. Nowadays they have a system too, which consists and bathing them only if they look dirty.
In case you might wonder, they do wash themselves a little every day. Kutcher said that they “wash their armpits, and their intimate parts daily and nothing else. After a heavy workout he said that he just “throw some water on my face to get all the salts out”. With all of this being said we can be sure that every single one of them kept their naturals oils on them.