Working on your garden can be therapeutic, and these garden design ideas might be what you need to get to work. This way you can express yourself, and at the same time, you will make your home look prettier. Having a good idea of what you want and how to adapt it to your space will also improve the final result.
In London there isn’t much space, this means you need to work with what you have. Even though it might look small, having a garden doesn’t depend on the space, you can do a lot with a little. Think ahead about what you are going to do with the plants and follow this guide to get the garden of your dreams.
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Prepare the lawn
In case you have a lawn, you need to prepare it for whatever you are going to plant. You don’t need to shape the grass in some special way, but you need to prune the grass. You also need to prepare the soil before getting to do any of your garden design ideas. By doing this, you will prepare the landscape, so your garden will look good.
Before doing this, you will need the proper tools. Taking care of your garden is more than just taking care of the plants. A lawnmower might be necessary if you have a big or medium garden. You will also need to water the grass, even though it isn’t a plant.
Try to start small
If you don’t have the space to grow plants or a lawn, you can use small pots. This way, you don’t have to worry about gardening space in your home, and you can have a greater variety of plants.
Another advantage is that you can arrange the pots however you like, which means you can use them as decoration. Don’t worry if you don’t know which ones to choose. You can browse through the extensive range of gardening products on offer and then look through all the options to choose the one that best suits the style of your home.
Get creative with the types of plants you want to have. All of them can be showpieces, combining their scent and colours, brightening up any space. We recommend having indoor plants or some that don’t need to be outside all the time to survive.
Consider the functionality of your garden
A new garden can be a way to renew your outdoor space. We shared before some tips, but believe it or not, you can save on furniture and use the plants instead. Having a nice outdoor space depends a lot on the landscape you cultivate. With the right flowers and trees, you will get a very inviting space without much effort.
In case you have a big enough lawn, you should grow herbs, some vegetables, and a few flowers. With these in your garden, you will always have access to fresh food and you can enjoy the pleasure of growing it. Besides, fresh food will always make your meals taste better, and can boost any recipe you do.
However, if you don’t have space, round and wide pots can do the trick. Depending on their size and the space you have, you can pick the forms that you prefer. Anyways, we recommend you avoid many, tiny pots, they are harder to water and are difficult to take care of.

Plan the landscape
Success in your garden design ideas means you need to plan ahead of time. If you want to create contrast and mix the colours in the right way, you need to pick the plants. Playing with the size is the first step, mixing tall plants and flowers with small shrubs of trees can create a great landscape
A lot of gardeners recommend arranging flowers in an asymmetrical way. If you arrange them with symmetrical form you will get forms of flowers in your garden. This could sound like a good thing but they won’t feel natural and won’t combine with the landscape. If you want a more harmonious landscape, you can do asymmetrical arrange and mix the spaces.
Low-planted beds can define greatly a space and can help you maintain your garden out of weeds. A lot of options are scented and can grow tiny flowers, being also a decorative alternative too. You could also consider climbing plants if you have a tiny space but you want a greener space.
Frame and combine
Combining spaces with your garden design ideas will make a powerful combo. A good display of plants can combine with any common space and make them more inviting. If you plan the space ahead, you can choose how you want to frame that area. But, if the space was already built, you could shape the frames in a creative way to make them more noticeable.
Playing with the colours of the flowers and the decoration will improve the space too. Combining colors or looking for furniture that can create a good contrast is always a good idea, and is a cheap decoration alternative. Another good idea is to play with the textures, in case you plant trees.
Big trees can create a sense of privacy if you plant them in the right way. Probably you want an open garden, which means you might not have a fence. Big trees around your outside space can be a natural fence; this will provide privacy and can save you money.

Pick bold displays
Creative displays can upgrade your garden in seconds, and with creative pots, you will get amazing scenery. Small pots displayed in a vertical setting can save you time when you water your plants and will look more unique. An old, restored latter can do the trick – and we tell you here how to pull this off.
In tiny spaces, arranging the decorations in a smart way can bring new energy to any room. We recommend you to play with different levels, high spaces or balconies, places where you can arrange them in a way that they could improve your view.
In case you can’t play with levels, picking creative pots is another way to improve your gardens. An example of this is using old containers, wheelbarrows, or even old barbecues. Repurpose and reuse old containers is a way to recycle and brighten any of your spaces in a creative way.
Be careful with the furniture
We know that most of your garden design ideas don’t include the furniture, but these, as the light you choose, are important. Playing with the colours, texture, and size of the furniture can help you to improve any garden. Anyways, we recommend you pick the furniture first and then plant whatever you want.
Whit a good set of furniture you can create a focal point in your garden. Try to do a frame of plants and colours; you can draw attention to this point, making it a central piece. There are sofa sets with sun loungers that can fit small spaces, making it possible for you to stargaze, this way you will enjoy it more.
Trying to use what nature has to offer as a way of entertaining yourself outside is an amazing point to start. Most garden design ideas keep in mind the resources nature can give to the design. Try to keep outside spaces open and inside spaces bright and open enough that the plants can complement the light.
Invest in plants every season
Seasonal flowers are fantastic for bringing colour and new scents to your house and your garden. Try to plant them ahead of time; they will blossom during the season rather than in the end. Even though you can have plants that endure every season climate, seasonal ones can give a fresh look to your garden.
Get the most beautiful plants and flowers for your garden right now!

Play with the furniture style
Maybe you already have in mind which style of decoration you want and how to pair it with your garden. Even though you plan this beforehand, playing with the style of furniture can make a good contrast.
Modern, more minimalistic sofas and chairs will create a very good contrast with the natural environment. Combining textures is good, tables and decorations made with wood look good next to glass, and besides clear surfaces will improve the space too. If you want something diferent consider Garden Buildings Direct. They offer garden office cabins, storages, greenhouses and more furniture to make your backyard unique. Check their website for create and adequate new spaces in your garden!