Are you looking to stand out from the crowd? Do you want your best skills to be known? You can do it by mastering the wonderful art of selling yourself: personal branding. To develop a personal brand is not only for entrepreneurs or famous people, it is a great to communicate your personal image and develop a reputation. In a personal brand you can imprint what are you capable of doing: your work, your projects, your ideals, your goals… all with a dash of your own personality.
And even this term is new; the idea has always existed. Think about it, it’s just like a famous artist painting their own portrait. Who portrays himself using his own style and what best represents him by putting their artistic skills into practice in the artwork. Just to express to the world who he is and the originality of his art. And it worked for them! Not only did the most important people of the time hire them to paint their portraits, but these works of art are treasured and studied to this day in order to know the style and essence of their author.
In this digital age, with so much information circulating, there is much more competition than ever before. So, you have to be smart and develop a good personal brand to make yourself known to your future clients or bosses. How to do this? We will give you 5 tips to create your personal brand and make yourself known, as an artist reflects their authenticity in personal portraits. Let’s start!
Table of Contents
Be yourself
The first step to master the art of personal branding is as simple as that. To succeed you don’t need to create a persona. Who wants that? People who visit your profiles want to find someone real. So, the best tip is to be who you are. A self-portrait ceases to be a self-portrait if you paint someone who you are not. Therefore, your personal brand has to show your true essence, skills and personality. Otherwise, you might be a great artist but not to sell your image, but to sell lies.

Show up your strengths
Just because you show yourself as you are doesn’t mean you can’t look for the best angle! That’s why we recommend you to focus on your best skills and strengths. The self-portraits of Da Vinci, Van Gogh, Picasso and Frida Kahlo are not great because of how well they turn out but because of how different they are from the others and how you can see the best of each one’s art captured in the paintings. Do the same: think about what you have best and what you do best and use it to your advantage.

Determine an audience
The next step is to think about where you want to go. Who do you want to see your profile? Are you looking for your personal brand to reach recruiters looking for new job opportunities, or are you a freelancer who wants to show what you do and get more clients? Determine who is the person you want to see your profile to find the tools and means to reach them. This way you focus your efforts and your personal marketing is more efficient.

Research and networking
This part is very important. If you are looking to make a name for yourself in your niche, you have to research them first: what they are looking for, what they need and the new trends in order to make a match with what you can offer them. It’s not enough to know the environment, but to know the people who are part of it. Connect with other professionals in the field from whom you can learn a lot, together participate in initiatives, projects and these good relationships will lead to opportunities. Artists learned and were inspired by other painters until they came up with their own, why shouldn’t you?

Let yourself to be known
There is no point in having the best personal branding if you are not going to share it. What is not communicated does not exist and what you want is to make yourself known, right? Think of a plan of action to make your brand known to others. Take advantage of the fact that we now have something that the classic artists did not have: the power of the media networks. Open an account in the social network that best reaches your audience and start with your first posts. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn depending on where you want to get.

And now it’s time to start! Take advantage of the empty canva to start painting. Own who you are and what you can do and let your best talents express themselves. Follow these tips and you will see how you will build your personal branding successfully for this 2022 to reach the corners of the world you want and open the doors to new professional opportunities.