Douchebags is a Swedish company that create backpacks for travel and hiking. Despite its unfamiliar name, the company has a serious commitment to quality. Besides, it creates backpacks that are intended to do everything from hiking outdoors to a business trip so that you do not have to buy separate bags for each cause.
Among the collection of bags is The White Out Edition. This collection of bags is in line with the approaching winter season. Winters in Scandinavian countries are frigid. The thick layer of snow makes it hard to distinguish various features on the horizon. This bag maker would like to make winters more bearable by creating a backpack that is large enough to hold all the items that you need for that warm trip but compact enough to carry it on your back. It changes the dull winter mood to a time for adventure and exploration.

Here are five things you need to know about The White Out bag edition.
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These Douchebags Are Made from Quality PU Leather
PU leather is a superior alternative to natural leather. The vegan material comes in all white, to echo the look of nature during the winter season. It does not absorb any water, which makes it easy to clean after a day out. Besides, the material does not degrade due to foul weather or crack like the average leather material. It is incredible and robust for handling heavyweights.
Comes with a Superior Hook-Up System
Douchebags have built the hook-up system based on their immensely successful ski bags design. These hooks lift the weight off your shoulders when placing your bags on wheels. Besides, the bags have quick-attachment G-buckles that makes it easy to connect to any wheeled luggage. With the hooks, you can lift very heavy weights with relative ease. On the other hand, the G-buckles allows you to pull several bags at once.
Huge Capacity
The White Out Edition bags come with a whopping 20l and 90 L capacities. There are also smaller bags for your laptop and everyday items. The douchebags can fit your entire camping gear or clothing and other necessities for your business trip. The interior of these bags is well-padded for the safety of delicate items and have several mesh compartments to store different items for ease of access. Surprisingly, it does not look too huge on your back.
This colletion of douchebags have an igloo!
Who would have thought that The White Out Edition comes with an igloo for your house? This wonderful cold-weather home is made with walls of suitcases so you can store everything you need and stay inside your igloo for a long time without contacting the outside world, how great!
Strengthened Stitching with Soft Padding
All the straps are firmly stitched into the body of the bag with strengthened stitching at various points of stress. This ensures that straps do not come off with heavy loads. However, the shoulder straps and the back are padded for added comfort and to allow airflow between your body and the backpack.