It is not a lie that worldwide, we all have done at least one kind of psychedelic since they are everywhere. There are plenty of drugs, and they aren’t as bad as maybe our parents thought. Today we are talking about mushrooms and all the things that come with their consumption.
Mostly known as magic mushrooms or “shrooms”, these innocent-looking little guys have a lot to give. However, they are sure pretty to look at, and some experimented users will tell you that they are pretty to eat. That is why here, we will tell you everything you have to know about mushrooms and micro-dosing.
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Why mushrooms over other psychedelics
If you are one of the science lovers, you’ll be happy to know that these types of mushrooms are polyphyletic. However, if you are not on the science team, this means that it comes from a lot of different evolutionary roots. This is amazing because it’s the one thing that makes the chemical reaction happen when we eat them. Although some would call it a magical reaction, it’s all about getting pretty high in the most natural way.
They have been tracked down to the stone age, especially in countries like Africa and Europe, and Ethel, that keeps using them even today. Usually by indigenous cultures being the most ancient cultures using these mushrooms for their religions. And finally, coming down to our society and current times, where we use it as psychedelics.

Now that we are talking about mushrooms, we must talk about MDMA as well since they are connected. MDMA is also known as molly, ecstasy, or love drug, so you can better understand what it is about. This is a synthetic drug and is most commonly used in raves.
Molly is known for the usual reactions it often causes, going from happiness to the point of hallucinations. Usually compared with methamphetamine, this is a very hard drug and one of the most popular to use. Unfortunately, this causes it to be illegal in many countries, making it more dangerous for consumption.
Making you feel all the feelings, from energy to distortion of time and perception, happiness and tactile experiences. It’s thought that it was synthesised to be an appetite suppressant too by its first making in 1912 in Germany. Although it started to gain fame in the ’80s and the ’90s amongst college students and young adults.
Popularity in raves and fast life
As we said before, this drug has been gaining popularity in parties, big events like raves and others. Not only for the direct effects it has on the body but also for the secondary effects it has on extended usage. Many users of recreative drugs will agree on the effects being somewhat dangerous without the proper care.
This chemical creation will make you feel happier, more energetic and more connected with yourself. And even though this sounds like some feelings you can have on your own, you can use the help sometimes. Especially when partying for several days – yes, days, not hours – your body will need the extra bump.
Since this bump is affordable, and it pays off by lasting a long time, people tend to use it more often than not. This has a special emphasis on young adults, who can also become victims of addiction to such substances. Having that in mind, we will emphasise the safe use of drugs and prevent falling into the negative side of them.
Negative sides
Yes, it is our job to tell you everything about mushrooms, recreative drugs and the possible negative outcomes. Since everything has a bad side, we can’t look away and ignore all of the adverse effects on the user. It’s because of that – and because we really care about your health – that we will dig into the negative side.
We care about safe consumption, as well as your wellbeing and that of everyone close to you. That is why we will strongly recommend that you contact a specialist if you fear or suspect addiction risk. There are safe ways of experimenting and being a functional consumer, don’t forget that everything is self-control.
It affects your brain and body
It’s not a secret that every drug affects your brain in many funny ways – and some not so funny ones too. But, of course, we all know that it doesn’t matter what drug you use, it will have consequences. You may have various kinds of symptoms. And yes, most of them reflect on your brain, starting off in producing more brain chemicals.

Talking specifically about serotonin, your brain will produce it, yes, but it will also miss it just as much. As well as it will produce dopamine and will help your neurons communicate with each other. As well as you get positive emotions or a good vibe and energy, you may also experiment aggression. And, as a plus, we must mention some appetite, sleep and sexual activity increases and decreases.
It affects those around you
As we said before, this drug affects you at a personal level and those around you. Since your emotions and personal state will change throughout the use of this drug, people around you might seem affected as well. If the people around you do not use the drug, they will have to go through your mood changes. On the other hand, if the people around you use drugs, you all will go through the same changes.
When you’re feeling ecstasy, you will not recognise the feelings and emotions that the people around you are going through. This might cause a separation between you and reality and the people around you and your feelings. This leads, on some occasions, to misunderstandings and family and friends separations.
It affects the environment
As we were saying in the beginning, these kinds of drugs are very popular in raves parties worldwide. Therefore we will talk a little about one of the most popular raves globally, the Glastonbury Festival. Although it is publicly known that it isn’t one of the cleanest festivals in the world, the use of drugs leads to some extreme results.
We will be straightforward about it, people take drugs, and people discharge the drugs all around the green areas. According to a recent investigation on land and rivers around, The amount of contamination is impressive. The conclusion is that drug levels present in human discharges are high enough to contaminate wildlife.
This is not regular contamination – if there is any normal contamination, to begin with – it’s far more dangerous. To say the least, people discharge their drugs in rivers, which will dilute in the water and then be ingested by fish. The MDMA present in water is enough to dope the fishes, make them addicts, stop them from eating, and even reproducing. So yes, we are facing some major nature problems here, such as the last of a whole species.
Safe use of mushrooms and MDMA
After everything you have read, we know that you still may want to do some kind of happy pills or happy food. So we will tell you the safe, right ways of doing – whatever substance – safely. Even though we must remind you that some of the side effects of drug use will still happen to your body. Small things like sweating, chills, loss of sleep or hunger, or big things like anxiety, muscle cramps, or depression.
That being said, you can use small amounts – of microdoses – of said substances and boost your daily basis. To keep these, you must look for the smallest amount you can take to still get the feeling without losing control. We recommend buying small amounts of your preferred substance and taking as little as possible to achieve this. With this kind of drug, when the feeling of happiness, lightheadedness, or loss of worries arrives, that is the amount.
We must say that with time your body may need more amounts of the substance. And of course, this can lead you in two very different ways, the first one being quitting it do detox your body for a while. We know this might seem like a boring solution, but you must give your body a break. But, on the other hand, you will most likely fall into an addiction path, not being able of controlling yourself.