“This year I will exercise”, “I will lose weight”, “I will give up desserts and start eating healthy”, “This year I will read a book” … and the list goes on and on.
Haven’t you heard any of these phrases before? Surely, you have made some of these resolutions for the following year without any success. But, now that the new year 2022 is upon us, you don’t want the same thing to happen, do you? We will review the most unsuccessful New Year’s resolutions and we will show you the tips to make this year’s resolutions realistic so you will be able to keep them. Do you want to do it? Well, follow us!
Table of Contents
Every year’s goal: exercise

Who doesn’t start the year thinking about achieving this goal? You program yourself, you buy shoes and sports clothes to cheer yourself up, and the second week you stop going to the gym. The leg warmers are left hanging and the new shoes in the wardrobe. You don’t wear them again until the next year when you re-set it as a resolution. Do this! Think of a physical activity you enjoy: walking, running, dancing, swimming, whatever. Get together with a group of friends who like the same thing and arrange a fixed time to meet to do it. With the help of others, it will be more difficult to get out of the routine and if you stick to the schedule, even for a few minutes, you will be able to finish the year doing sport the way you wanted to. You will see that what seemed impossible will come true!
Lose weight, go off your diet

Every time the year comes to an end, there is no shortage of people who want to shed the extra kilos and burn them off with the old year. At dinner, they skip dessert and cut back on carbs and turkey, but then it’s 12 o’clock and the holidays … and with that often comes the long-awaited diet. Don’t struggle with the weights, and don’t go on the most difficult diets that will demotivate you in the long run. Try healthy sleep habits, watch your food portions, and while still eating what you like, always include something healthier – you can eat your favourite desserts, without losing sight of your goal!
End the year reading a book

Another typical of those who aim to grow in learning and culture in the new year, who hasn’t said to themselves that they will finish the book that has been sitting on their bookshelf for years? But, the excitement sometimes lasts for a few moments, the book slows down, we forget where we were going and it falls asleep on the bookshelf. The following year, we dust it off and set out to start again, but the excitement lasts for a week and then the dust settles again. How do you make sure this doesn’t happen to you this year? Set a fixed reading schedule in your week with short 10-15 minute reading time slots, and don’t let them slip regardless of the pace of the week. If you stick to the schedule during your breaks, even if you only get through a few pages a day, it will give you time to fulfil your obligations and by the end of the months you will have read not just one book, but more than two.
A year of saving

I’m sure you’ve made a resolution to save for next year! It’s all well and good to save money left over for extra expenses and to buy that car, that travel ticket or the pet of your dreams, but the year ends and you’re left with an empty piggy bank. Where does it all go? If you don’t want it to fail like last year, follow these steps: First, make a budget and write down your expenses for a month. Wow, is it a lot? Look at what you spend and see where all that money goes and start thinking about what to cut back on. Once you’ve figured out where you can spend less, aim to save on that and allow yourself to spend only on the things that are priorities for you. You’ll see that with the same income you’ve cut your spending, your savings will grow like trees and by the end of the year you’ll reap the rewards!
The countdown is on to set your 2022 goals, whatever they may be. Whether it’s the typical ones or a different one, you can beat them and even if you fall into the same old failures, don’t worry, we’re here to help you get out of it. After these tips, are you ready to try again?