A lot of people already fight this. Some said Jordan was unique and a miracle like him will never happen and some said that LeBron James is the new Jordan. Now, thanks to Space Jam 2 we have another debate, who did it better? Even though we can’t defend the movie, we do think LeBron is, nowadays, more popular than Jordan.
Since the film debut in cinemas, opinion it’s very divided. Most people either hate it or love it and critics have been rather hard with the results. However the film did pretty well and fans are happy, but still fighting over who did it better.
What are the differences with the new Space Jam?
For starters, the main actors are very different. If you watched the original Space Jam movie, probably Jordan’s classic is your favourite but he has his flaws. We must say that LeBron is a better actor, so here is a point for LeBron. He is an excellent athlete and we are sure this keeps him busy, but if he wanted to, he could be a great actor.
In terms of plot, it isn’t very different, it’s just less personal. The first movie was more involved with Michael Jordan’s life; however, this one isn’t very connected to LeBron. In comparison to Space Jam 2 feels lacking something that only the first has, but this reboot feels fresh and familiar. On this matter, we think both deserve a point, so it’s a tie.
Lastly, the director of the first film was called for this one, so the reboot can be faithful. Even though he rejects this because he said he wouldn’t be able to pull it off without a powerhouse like Michael Jordan. In this matter, fans and critics have spoken and confirmed that LeBron is a powerhouse, so ultimately, LeBron wins.