Achieving the perfect makeup sometimes mean having perfect natural eyebrows. Overall, natural-looking makeup is more desirable sometimes, especially if you want to look fresh. However, doing your eyebrows isn’t easy, especially because sometimes we tend to ignore them and do something fast there, and that’s it.
Doing great eyebrow makeup is hard but can be more challenging if you never touched your eyebrows before. Look at tutorials online without any knowledge. You can end overwhelmed by all of the results you will find too. This is why we made a full guide on taking care of your eyebrows and always nail a natural look with makeup.
How to take care of your eyebrows
Keeping your natural eyebrows and your skin in perfect shape requires a great routine. You need some products and know some step-by-step; however, it isn’t difficult. First, however, you must do a few basic things to always look flawless, and we will tell you what you need to do.
Always moisturize your skin
Keeping your skin clean and moist is something you must-do if you are using makeup constantly. Moisturizing is essential, especially if you are outside for long periods or constantly exposed to the sun. We recommend you to use a moisturizer with SPF 30 daily or a regular one and a sun blocker at least twice a day.
Be sure to moisturize always the skin under your brows. By keeping this area healthy, you will reduce the chance of sun damage and premature aging. Also, a good skincare routine will prevent fine lines and sagging skin, which can affect the shape of your eyebrow in the long run.
Thread them regularly
There are many methods to maintain your natural eyebrows in line, but threading is the best one. If you already do this, it is crucial to maintain or keep a schedule as exact as possible. Even though you could wax or tweeze them, eyebrow threading is a technique that you can use everywhere or in a rush without preparing a lot of tools.
On the other hand, the schedule it’s important because when you achieve the perfect shape, you don’t want to lose it. Unfortunately, this means you probably won’t be able to do the same shape again, or it will take you a lot of time. So try to always be careful with the shapes and exact dates you do the threading or go to the saloon.

Don’t over-pluck
This is pretty obvious and requires a little bit of common sense, but sometimes you over-pluck without noticing it. It is important to know when to leave your natural eyebrows alone and let them be. You still might need to tweeze them; however, just remove some hairs here and there, but don’t shape your brows.
You can try to start tweezing far from your eyebrow and only remove the hairs out of place. If you want to shape them, you could use the tweezers as a guide to measuring where to begin; however, try to use a stencil for the shape.
How to make your eyebrows look natural even with make up
There are a lot of makeup techniques that will make your natural eyebrows look stunning. However, you enhance any look really fast if you properly do your eyebrows; this is why it is so important to do it right. So here we will share with you some tips:
Groom your brows before star
Before enhancing the natural look of your eyebrows, you must have one already. We already told you more or less what you need to do, but always be sure that you already have the perfect shape before using makeup.
Remove some product if needed
We recommend you do your eyebrows first; however, if it’s impossible, you should always remove the excess product. When you are doing your eyebrows, everything that you apply prior will be in the way. If you don’t want to ruin what you did before, use a cotton pad with micellar water and remove the buildup.
Use the right eyebrow products
There are many options in the market, but only a few will fit your ideals. For example, if you only want to fill spots and define your natural eyebrow, you should look for brow powder and an angled brush. On the other hand, if you want to define and shape them, you could just use a brow gel, and that’s it.

Apply the products with a flicking motion
You could fill your brows in one stroke if you want to look like if you did your makeup with a marker. However, achieving a more natural look and not something so heavy requires making tiny, hair-like strokes. A flicking motion is ideal because you can fill your eyebrows with the powder and an angled brush in a more natural fashion. Overall, the end result will be flawless.
Be careful with the tail
If you overextend the tail of your eyebrow, you will make them look droopy, and you might not be into it. If you want to keep the shape of your natural eyebrow, try to maintain its natural angle and stop at a place that lifts your face. To measure where to end, place a brow pencil diagonally at your nostril and line it up with the side of your eye.
Create a natural arc
Before using the product, try to define where your arch is and try to follow that line. If you do a pointed arch, you will look mad, surprised, or even confuse. Instead, comb your eyebrow downward and follow the natural shape with the product. You could slightly alter the shape creating a subtle peak, which will make them look better if you don’t have one.
Buff the harsh lines
Mapping out the shape of your natural eyebrows with a pencil will make them look cartoon-ish. Instead, create shapes with a flicking motion, as we said before, trying to recreate the hair and then use a brush to buff out the harsh lines. This motion will make them look better, and the shape will be more natural.