One of the effects that the Covid-19 brought with it was online education. Nevertheless, a lot of households had suffered a bad experience with it. In most cases, distance learning at home or in a different location has been a mess of constant interruptions, bad grades, zoom burnout, no schedules, and demotivation. For these reasons, we have decided to list five essential tips to open the gates for this back to school with all that your child needs.
Design a back to school space
The design of a back-to-school space is crucial to the success of children at online schools. Schools were created to provide the ideal environment for learning, so kids cannot get focused on their house most of the time. So, if you cannot put your children in a school, bring a similar space to your home. So, we recommend you get a desktop, comfy chair, and proper lighting. Keep in mind that suitable furniture will give the vibe that your kids need to get focus. However, this tip will also help those kids who go to school and have some online activities at home.
Equip them with the right tools
So, it is a fact online education is becoming indispensable to our kids. However, suppose our kids are not succeeding in their performance online. In that case, we should think about other factors besides their learning space. One of the ways to improve your child’s performance at school is to provide the right tools that help in a better learning environment. In this way, they will need equipment that facilitates their school day, such as tablets, laptops, or pc equipment.

Connect mind and body
With the usage of technology, children are spending more and more time in front of screens. As a result, this increases the need to find ways to get them to focus on learning. One way is to rewire their brains by giving them a break from screens an hour every day and encourage them to engage in some physical activity.
A Stanford University study showed that even small amounts of activity could improve children’s grades, so it’s worth incorporating some form of movement into your daily routine. It is not enough for parents and teachers to tell their children that they should avoid screens. Still, parents and teachers need to show their children how to put this advice into action. So, it is essential to schedule a time to exercise like walking, jumping on the road, or even playing basketball or soccer. Try this, and your kid will connect mind and body.
Rewards keep motivation
Sometimes studying online can create a sense of restlessness and lack of achievement. So, to help your children feel motivated to learn, you can build a reward system to reward them for performing well at school or learning new skills. Rewards are a universal language that can motivate and inspire our children to do their best. They help us provide a sense of achievement and ownership over our kids’ success. These can range from allowing extra minutes of video games, movies, toys, books, or even preparing their favorite meal.
All these tips are intended to be applied simultaneously. However, the more you follow them, the better your child will be in school.