You will find hundreds of Tarot tips online, but they might not be enough for you if you are a beginner. There is a lot of mysticism around Tarot and how does it work, and we know this; that’s why we made this guide. So, grab your cards and prepare yourself to know the basic 101 course about this topic we have for you.
Before starting with this guide, we must tell you that some answers might differ from the ones you expected. This happens because everybody has a different relationship with the cards; in other words, they connect differently. Also, it’s essential that you keep in mind that the Tarot is a tool and depends on how you use it.
What are Tarot Cards?
The Tarot is a deck of 78 cards, each with its own meaning, symbolism, story, and unique imagery. There are also 22 Major Arcana cards that represent life karmic and spiritual lessons, which are very important in the deck. The 56 Minor Arcana cards reflect the trials and tribulations you live daily basis. In other words, represent more mundane experiences.
There are 16 Tarots Court cards; these represent 16 different personality characteristics. Of course, those characteristics aren’t always part of our personality, but we might choose to express them at any given time. The Minor Arcana also includes 40 numbered cards organized into 4 suits, with 10 tarot cards each.
How can you use the Tarot Cards?
Tarot is an excellent tool for meditation, self-development, and get to know about things. This is very vague, but you can use it to understand more about the choices you make, or you can use them for planning. There are many useful ways you could use the Tarot Cards, even for coaching others if you know enough and practice. You can even give Tarot tips to others while reading your cards when you are an expert.
What can the cards do?
In theory, we could say that Tarot Cards are just ink on paper, however, there is much more to them. Many people who read these cards will tell you that the cards are like the book of your life. With them, and the proper reading, you can learn more about yourself, other people and many things more.
Every lesson of our life can be found on the whole deck, so you can learn about everything inside and outside yourself. Therefore, you need to deeply connect with your deck, so you can correctly interpret them. Thanks to that, you will be able to better yourself and other people’s energies, so you can read them properly.

How exactly do Tarot Cards work?
Traditionally we believe that the Tarot is just about predicting your future, and that’s it; however, it’s not like that. Tarot essentially is used to interpret energies and vibes from other people and yourself. So one of the free tarot tips we can give to you is to try to access your inner wisdom and subconscious.
For example, if you are trying to find a new relationship, you might use the cards to learn more about it. However, you won’t be pulling cards to try to find your perfect couple in your future; instead, you use them to see how you can attract love. For this, you will need a clear vision of what you want for every reading.
There isn’t a right or wrong way to read Tarot, and you will need to focus your energies if you want to read it for yourself or everybody. You will reveal your inner self to yourself and the inner themselves to other people. This will allow everybody to gain a better understanding of all of the situations around you or them. So, before you do anything with the cards, we recommend you read our tips.
Tarot Tips every beginner needs to know
Reading cards aren’t easy when you are just starting, and you don’t know well your deck. With this being said, there are many Tarot tips you might want to know before starting reading them. However, we share the ones that we think are the most important.
Get to know your cards
When you purchase a deck, you must try to connect with it at the moment. You need to feel comfortable with your deck, the Major and Minor Arcana imagines and the way you vibe with it. After you find one deck that accomplishes all of this, you must try to familiarize yourself with it. Try to watch the cards every day or at least vibe with it every day.
There are many types of decks inspired by multiples things, having different images and many things more. If you are a more visual reader, you might find better some other Tarot Decks than your own. There are classic Tarots decks, some others are inspired in pop culture, there is a Moon Sum Tarot and many more. The most important thing is that you resonate with the deck.
Finally, when you find the right deck, get to know it really good. We know we explained a lot in this tarot tip, but you have to build your relationship with your cards step by step. It’s crucial that you feel an intimate connection with every card, and you deeply know their meaning and their symbolism. Try to pull a card daily and think about its meaning; if you already know what it means, this is an excellent exercise to learn more about them.
Understand the suits
Each Tarot suit in the Minor Arcana represents things that we face on our daily basis. The Minor Arcana reflects things such as emotions, thoughts, passions, willpower, and the like. This means that you need to keep in mind when you are doing a spread what suit is lacking or constantly popping when reading.
Each suite has an element, and each element represents those emotions and things we mentioned before. For example, cups are the suit of water, expressing emotions, relationships, feelings, and intuition. Swords are the suit of air; it’s less emotional, meaning logical intellect, communications, thoughts, and logic.
Wands are the suit of fire, and talks more about personal depth, represents passion, spirituality, creation, willpower. Finally, Pentacles are the earth element in the Tarot and talk about physical stability, material, and skills. If any of those lacks or are very abundant, you might be reading any of those emotions, how they are lacking and what you have in excess.
Stick with the basics
If you are starting, don’t try to run before walking, and so simple spreads, have an easy deck, use simpler words. There are two basic spreads you can try, the three-card pull and the Celtic Cross. The first one we mentioned is a simple read where you draw three cards representing past, present and future. They could be minds, body and spirit, and you could draw six cards to see everything we mentioned; however, it’s harder to read.
On the other hand, the Celtic Cross is more complicated but a better starting point for beginners. Even though this is a recommendation more than a Tarot tip, you must try to start from this throw. You draw and spread 10 cards in this classic formation to have a more complete reading for yourself and others.
When you do this, keep in mind that everything isn’t about the big picture. Everything you do with the draws it’s about the cards and their relationship, and how they interact with each other. In other words, if a card land closest to each other in a bad fashion, that means you should read them both and how they influence each other.

Always do readings in a place with good vibes
The energy of the spaces you do the reading will affect you, and therefore, will affect the reading results. Energy has power, and when you open to a person the way you do while you do a read, it needs to be in a healthy environment. You should try to always draw the cards in a place where you feel comfortable, safe and where you are in control.
Here we share two tarot tips because should keep in mind it’s that you should be ready to talk. The environment might also affect the connection you develop with anybody. If you are not ready to communicate, you won’t share what you discover and will do a bad reading. The energies around you can help you melt anything that might keep you from the person and help you have a better understanding.
Also, the physical space isn’t everything when it comes to the vibes. You must be in a good place yourself before doing a reading, even if it’s a personal reading. You can meditate or have a persona ritual before, so you can have a clean mind. Before any reading, you should be relaxed, with a blank mind, open and ready for everything can be coming.